Gale's favorite things

Click here to see my favorite crafting supplies and things I love. There's a running list of my favorite tried and true products for creating over on my Amazon Favorites page* - Gale Nation's Amazon Page You'll find all kinds of supplies from my favorite pens, embroidery notions, books, lettering supplies, and washi tape!
- Want to know how I hang the plates on my plate wall? The types of hangers are listed in my Amazon shop. Pro tip: I love the 3M adhesive hangers, but I always had a drop of super glue "just in case". I've only had 2 plates get broken, so my record is pretty good! Right now, there are almost 100 plates and I'm still going!
- There's also a link to the book, "Flea Market Flair" which features our home as shown in "Flea Market Home and Living" magazine.